Reunião dos Grupos de Trabalho do Renovagrad para continuidade das discussões sobre a Curricularização da Extensão
Os materiais e discussões anteriores encontram-se no Fórum Renovagrad (hospedado no Moodle):
Os materiais sobre curricularização da Extensão também se encontram no repositório do Moodle (§ion=7)
SAVE THE DAY – PhD. Liz Reisberg – 23/9/2019, 9h no EA2
Como continuidade das discussões do Renovagrad, teremos em 23/9 a assessoria da Profa. Liz Reisberg (Boston College) intitulada “Estratégias para a gestão do processo de inovação curricular – RenovaGrad 2020”
Liz Reisberg is an independent consultant in higher education and Research Fellow at the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College. In the past she has worked in university administration at several universities and taught in the graduate program in higher education administration at Boston College. She works with ministries of education, universities and international donor organizations throughout the world. Themes of her research and other activities include quality assurance in higher education, the challenges of access and equity, and new approaches to university curriculum and pedagogy. Much of her work has focused on Latin America where she teaches in English and Spanish.